Monday, 4 November 2024

If you are a god...

What would you do?

This is a thought experiment that I constantly put my brain to exercise with. What would you do if omniscience is at hand, and omnipotence is the norm? What would you do if you were called upon to be the judge of all judges or so to speak?

See this is not as simple as you might think. This is not a fulfillment of desires, it is more correctly a measure of your understanding of responsibility. It is a question of ethics. At the end of the day - it is a psychological (for the lack of a better expression) conundrum of how you judge your own creations! How you judge things that you don't have absolute control over - but rather they are extensions of yourself. They are things that you are burdened with classifying as objectively beneficial to the common cause or detrimental to it. How much along the lines of causality would you travel to figure out the ultimate effect of these causal passages of time? 

Would the parameters of judgment be based on the laws of nature (considerate exchange - perhaps we can call this karma, everything piles up - judgment of instances based on benefits is cumulative) 

Would the parameters of judgement be based on the laws of the cosmos  (equivalent exchange - instantial repercussions - you reap what you sow but the reaping and sowing are real-time. Absolute conservation of momentum in intentions and actions.)

Would it be based on the laws of man  (Unidirectional benefits - a single creational instance, be it a creature or a plant has the choice to dole out judgment based on what it, in its limited understanding has taken to be the law. You, as a god, are merely a spectator.)

At the cusp of an ideological transaction of most queries on life to artificial intelligence - these are some of the questions I believe would determine the role of ethicality if we are to ever trust AI in our decision-making.

If we are to ever differentiate between all the three paradigms of ethical decision-making to consciously choose between each - how would we choose? Or would the being put in charge, be faced with the same conundrum faced by the goat that's put in between the two stacks of hay as well?

As with most of my writing - the caveat goes: Please do not go diving into this for answers. It is for an entire generation forward to ask questions. 

Kill the question, shoot the messenger -  you will have won the battle perhaps. You will, as sure as sunrise until the sun lives, lose the war and yourself in the process. But then again, wars and battles are almost always fought inside your own head :) 

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