Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Purple Magic Song

Trace the silver linings in a purple sky
Space out into an evening of disappearing energy
Deep inside we've flown a hundred thousand miles,
Laced with a truth serum made from a million smiles
You sang

Touch me since I've been left untouched
Sing me a prayer and wake up my self
Now you've dug too deep and just took down
Things I hoped you'll never see, my old wall

Oh now, can't you see through me,
My purple, often colourless self, afraid of the senseless rush
Wandering, split into a crowd, floating along alone by the sea
Don't you see the surf spray it's magic up into me in a flush

Let's fly away, into the twilight singing a silent song
Let's float away in the breeze humming a soulful little tune
We can make it back into the nothing something's before long
We can join the rest of our crowd and join their chorus soon
And we'll sing

Touch me since I've been left untouched
Sing me a prayer and wake up my self
Now you've dug too deep and just took down
Things I hoped you'll never see, my old wall

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